Exclusive Online Discounts!
To help save you a few dollars while in Ocean City, Pam’s has secured several exclusive online discounts for you and your group. To access the savings, please click on the links below, print out the discounts and present them at each business.
Looking for a great restaurant after you’ve built up a healthy appetite while out on the course? Then click here to check out our list of preferred restaurants.
Want to save a little money while dining out? Then click here to print a 20% off coupon valid at participating restaurants.
Need a ride to the course or for your night out? We’ve got you covered with 20% OFF Any Taxi or Shuttle Service With Taxi Taxi, click here to get your coupon.
Want to know what the forecast is for your upcoming golf trip? Click here to check out the Ocean City forecast.
Traveling in April or May and want to know when Pam’s is hosting their Free Happy Hours? Then click here to find out if there is a Pam’s Happy Hour while you are golfing in Ocean City.
If you need any assistance, while you are on your golf vacation, please call our 24-hour travel assistance at 410.726.0612.
Have a great vacation.
The Girls at Pam’s